
Who is he?
John Diedrichs who survived 26 winters. Born and raised in the very harsh and unforgiving climate called Sweden. More specifically at the western coastal city called Gothenburg! Where he had to sail to survive but failed to go to the olympics. During the long cold winters, skiing the icebergs dodging the ice bears was a hobby of his. But walking to the top of and iceberg was a strenuous task hence the skill kitesurfing was downloaded. Now with a flick of his wrist he could float to the top in a breeze. With time the climate changed and the icebergs where nowhere to be found. Surfing the land was problematic. With dedication he adapted himself to build all sorts of land crawling appliances, everything from dodgy 3dprinters to monsters called CNC machines. However the appetite for cruising down icebergs never left. So he put himself behind bars to study automation & mechatronics at the University of Chalmers. After a few years of blood sweat and tears with the help of the wonderful people at various forums and the beautiful locals he fully mastered the art of building machines capable of surfing the streets!
On a serious note.
Im actually a dedicated and humble person that equally loves building as I do riding. With a strive for perfection.
This is going to be edited :D